Lion Attacks Elephant: Brutal Kill Caught On Camera

Lion Attacks Elephant: Brutal Kill Caught On Camera

La vie sauvage dans toute sa cruauté : whaoh !

Lion Attacks Elephant: Brutal Kill Caught On Camera

THIS is the moment a powerful lion took down an African elephant – by itself. The juvenile male, estimated to be seven years old, was caught alone as it quenched its thirst at a watering hole. The rare footage shows the young elephant attempt to scare the predator away by mock charging before quickl…

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Comments (3)

  • Anonyme

    La chasse…c’est naturel ! depuis la nuit des temps !!…

    18 avril 2014 at 9h07
  • Anonyme

    Sa mère n’était pas là…

    18 avril 2014 at 9h34
  • Anonyme

    the show seems cruel but it’s food chain, maybe the family would defend him if he had learned the rules

    18 avril 2014 at 14h09

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