Très fier d’avoir participé à la campagne de levé de fond #sketchforsurvival or

Très fier d’avoir participé à la campagne de levé de fond #sketchforsurvival or

Très fier d’avoir participé à la campagne de levé de fond #sketchforsurvival organisée par l’association Explorers against Extinction. Environ 163 dessins ( dont le mien) ont permis de récolter plus de 40 000 £ lors d’une vente aux enchère organisé par Sotheby’s en ligne le 12 octobre 2017. La moitié de ces fonds sera versé à DWST (@The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust) pour l’orphelinat des Éléphants à Nairobi. L’autre moitié aidera le déploiement de 3 chiens anti-braconnage pour la protection des Rhino en Okavango !

Very proud to have participated to the campaign #sketchforsurvival : fundraising campain organised by Explorers against Extinction.
about 163 sketches (including mine) collected over 40,000 £ during the auction run by Sotheby’s on the 12th of october.
Half of the funds going directly to the DSWT (The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust). The other part will help to deploy 3 Rhino protection dogs in the Okavango !

THANK YOU to all those #ExplorersagainstExtinction #SketchforSurvival supporters out there – your support has made a #RealDifference.

Funds raised will be split evenly between The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Animals Saving Animals.

DSWT will use the money raised where it is most needed. There’s enough to fund more than eleven orphan elephant rescues (based on average cost of a rescue), or to care for two baby elephant orphans for a whole year, just like baby Ndotto pictured below. This is fabulous news.

In addition we are absolutely delighted that THREE new anti-poaching #Frontlinek9s trained by Animals Saving Animals will be deployed to Africa next year as a result of Explorers fund-raising – a team of two rhino protection dogs for Rhino Conservation Botswana – the first of its kind in the Okavango –
and a new tracker dog for Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

Photos: DSWT Keeper Eugene and Ndotto; ASA anti-poaching dog in training photographed by Neil Aldridge RCB

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