
Foxhound pack – Pastel N°1

After small vacations ,I come back on the web with a little serie of drawings. This is black pencil on  rust-colored Canson pastel accented with white pastel. The subject of hunting dogs is well suited for the exercise because the color palette is composed for these dogs  from Black, brown,...


Hunting lioness Painting

Here is the finished painting of the approching Lioness. "Aluna" - Oil on canvas Since last time, I added the foregrounds  : more sharpen near the lioness with high grass hiding, then blurry  closer in order to have a depht sensation. The result is photographic like , as I wanted.


Happy New Year 2010!

rough test fromGlen Keane Glen Keane is character animator for Disney, a lot of Disney movies are from him, for instance Tarzan. I will probably post something on him in the future,but today, I would like to share this litlle treasure of animation with you, that I can't stop watching.


Hunting Lioness

On my easel, a lioness hunting. I wanted to capture the moment "before": the meticulous approach, sort of furtive way towards the prey. Hunting Lioness - 120 x 50 cm The gaze is fixed, the head does not move, shoulders swaying gently, only the tail may betray his presence, as if...


Lionne à la Chasse

Sur mon chevalet, une lionne à la chasse. Je voulais capturer l'instant "d'avant" : l'approche méticuleuse, sorte de coulée furtive vers la proie. Lionne à la Chasse - 120 x 50 cm Le regard est fixé, la tête ne bouge pas, les épaules ondulent doucement, seule la queue peut trahir sa...